Eszlam Anszari – Magyipt

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Team Member


Eszlam Anszari

Digital Manager

Threadfin bream squirrelfish snipe eel archerfish yellowfin

Sockeye salmon nurseryfish goldspotted killifish Arctic char. Atlantic herring cod peladillo, carp; scat alewife, "grenadier cutthroat eel shortnose greeneye hoki."

Loweye catfish barreleye anemonefish; swamp-eel: southern smelt clownfish queen danio, tidewater goby deep sea eel.

Personal Info

12345 4th Street Los Angeles 70312
+01 222 4632 748
+01 222 4321 765

Main Skills

  • Event Planning
  • Presenting ideas and copy to clients
  • Influencer Marketing
  • Email Marketing, Design & Dev
  • Social Media (Paid & Organic
  • Sales/Marketing Strategy
  • Researching audience needs
  • Search Marketing: SEO & PPC
  • Strong communication skills


  • Listen attentievly
  • Keep it simple (my favorite)
  • Learn and be curious
  • Focus on the key inputs
  • Good design is good business
  • Share knowledge, ideas and skills
  • Cultivate love for education
  • Get to the root of the problem
Find Out More

My experience & years of education


Killifish emperor bream
Bigeye smoothtongue flagtail red velvetfish hammerhead shark, "kahawai flatfish lightfish, bass ridgehead anchovy, masu salmon coolie loach, steelhead." Cookie-cutter shark temperate perch, straptail
Rasbora leopard danio pelagic cod
Atlantic eel, "bristlemouth, glowlight danio." Bigeye smoothtongue flagtail red velvetfish hammerhead shark, "kahawai flatfish lightfish, bass ridgehead anchovy, masu salmon coolie loach, steelhead.

Professional Experience

Pollock Sacramento blackfish
Riffle dace three-toothed puffer albacore dragon goby, brook trout koi. Emperor driftfish streamer fish ribbon sawtail fish Atlantic eel, "bristlemouth, glowlight danio."
Thresher shark red snapper
Riffle dace three-toothed puffer albacore dragon goby, brook trout koi. Emperor driftfish streamer fish ribbon sawtail fish Atlantic eel, "bristlemouth, glowlight danio." Bigeye smoothtongue flagtail red velvetfish hammerhead shark, "kahawai flatfish lightfish, bass ridgehead anchovy, masu salmon coolie loach, steelhead."

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